
As the LISA project was coming to an end, this conference held at CERN gave the opportunity to showcase the work of the 15 early stage researchers (ESR) recruited.

Invited speakers from a variety of topics also broadened the horizon:

  • Bio Physics & Medical Applications of radionuclides
  • Fundamental Nuclear Physics

Darcy van Eerten ( ESR12) led the whole organization of the RIMS workshop within the frame of the LISA-4-Society actions. 

Over the past decade, a small set of laboratories have been working on the development of resonance ionization mass spectrometry (RIMS) instruments for the purpose of element-selective isotope analysis without

The ESRs organized a 4-day conference on the LISA research activities at the University of KU Leuven, Belgium were they successfully presented their latest research and findings. 

A selection of posters and talks were presented on the following topics: 

  • Radioactive ion beam facilities 
  • Laser development 
  • Medical applications of radionuclides 
  • Ultra-trace

ESRs were given a  short introduction to various computing models and framework followed by extensive workshop activities and practical work with computer simulation. Themes ranging from atomic and nuclear structure theory, to equipment modelling and design (gas flow, electrodynamics).

This event was organized online by the University of Jena in

This 2-week LISA Network wide Training will focus on the relation between Nucleons to the Stars organized by GANIL and on the Analysis of Structure of Complex Atoms organized by the University of Groningen. 
The Academic Day is the occasion for the network to share and discuss about the projects, results and future objectives. During the meeting, the LISA ITN ESRs, the Affiliates, and the Work Package Leaders will present their works and the latest achievements.

The Chornobyl excursion/activity for sample collection (involving 5 ESRs) within the LISA-4-Society Action plan was fully planned to take place in June 2022, but then cancelled due to the invasion of Ukraine.  As an immediate outreach contingency plan, the ESRs worked on a series of radiation and radioecology instructional social

Advanced Techniques for the Production and Study of Actinides at JYU
The 39th edition of the Joliot Curie International School, entitled “The interplay between atomic electrons and the nucleus: traps, lasers and spectroscopy” will cover the latest scientific achievements in physics across the blurred line separating the nucleus from the rest of the atom.
The aim of the EUROSCHOOL ON EXOTIC BEAMS is to introduce PhD students and young post-doctoral researchers to this field and, also to present some of the recent related experimental and theoretical advances.