LISA Summer Schools, 29 Aug- 9 Sept 2022

Summer School 2 - Group picture

This 2-week LISA Network wide Training will focus on the relation between Nucleons to the Stars organized by GANIL and on the Analysis of Structure of Complex Atoms organized by the University of Groningen

The schools will feature internationally renowned scientists in the fields of atomic physics, nuclear structures and reactions, laser technology and atomic spectroscopy. Our participants will also participate in an ethics panel with scientists and philosophers, present their work through poster sessions and be challenged to prepare themselves for the next steps of their career.

The 2-week summer school will be organized in two exceptional locations on the North of France, near Caen:

  • SUMMER SCHOOL 1 - “From the Nucleons to the Stars” will be held from the 28th August to the 2nd of September 2022 at the Hotel Sweet Home in Cabourg.
  • SUMMER SCHOOL 2 -“Structure of Complex Atoms” will be held from the 4th to the 9th of September 2022 at the BO Resort in Bagnoles de l’Orne. This event replaces the winter School that has been cancelled in Tenerife due to COVID 19 pandemic

Participation is compulsory to LISA Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs). 

Poster sessions will be organized on the 31st of August and on 7th of  September (Call for abstract).

The LISA Summer School Organizing Committee thanks its Industrial partner Hübner Photonics, for supporting the registration of 2 non-ESR participants for attending the event.

These events are organized by GANIL (FR) and the University of Gronigen (NL) and GANIL in collaboration with the LISA Training office.