
The LISA researchers were immersed in an international and inter-sectorial environment with broad and interdisciplinary training: atomic theory, laser technology, atomic and nuclear structure, and advanced computing for simulation, calculations, and big data analysis, hardware design, vacuum technology, computer programming for equipment control and data acquisition.

A suite of soft-skills training equiped the ESRs with the tools and experience necessary to maximize both their employability and their ability to transfer their acquired know-how in their future endeavours.

The societal applications of LISA required the ESRs to apply their understanding of the core topics of the network beyond the realms of fundamental research, namely in nuclear medicine, radioecology, and ultimately waste management from nuclear power production.

The LISA consortium: beneficiaries are indicated by a circle colour-coded according to the work package (WP). Secondment locations and directions are indicated by arrows.

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Training Events & Conferences

LISA had the following main training events & conferences planned:

Training kick-off meeting: the ESRs were introduced online ( COVID restrictions) to all the topics of the network (lectures by WP Leaders), to their rights and duties by HR specialist Ingrid Haug (CERN), and team building activities are used to generate a sense of community, 4 days.

General Training 1: Safety, Ethics, and Society. Advanced aspects of laser safety and radiation protection were brought forward through lectures and hands-on activities by experts from IREPA Lasers, amongst others. Ethics at work and ethics in research were developed through lectures and workshop panels. Relevance of the research topics for medical and societal applications were discussed by invited lectures from Dr Ulli Köster (ILL, France) and Dr Kieran Flanagan (UNIMAN & Artemis Analytical Ltd, UK). Development of presentation skills: the ESRs introduced their own research topics to each other (3min-thesis format); the ESRs made a poster on each work package. Originally planned near Strasbourg (France) hosted by IREPA Lasers, the 4-days events happened online (COVID restrictions)

Specialized Training 2: Nuclear Chemical Techniques and Laser Resonance Ionization. This laboratory training included an introduction to basic nuclear chemical techniques relevant for laboratory research with actinides as well as complimentary soft skills. In addition to the three laboratory exercises, lectures were given on actinide basics (Christoph Düllmann), trace analysis (Klaus Wendt), safety (Christian Gorges), ion mobility spectroscopy (Mustapha Laatiaoui), science communication (Beate Hoerr), and PhD to Entrepreneur.This was organized as an hybrid event (half of the ESRs could be present) by Mainz University & GSI in collaboration with LISA Training office. 

Specialized Training 3: Advanced Techniques for the Production and Study of Actinides. Morning lectures covering aspects of radioactive ion beam production and manipulation by Iain Moore, tools and techniques for laser spectroscopy of exotic nuclei by Ruben de Groote, ion trapping techniques by Tommi Eronen, and radioactive decay measurements by Paul Greenlees; afternoon hands-on sessions for the ESRs and other students close to the network using the accelerator facilities and laser laboratories at the University of Jyväskylä. Complementary soft skills: communication in an interdisciplinary and intersectorial network (delivered by an expert consultant in communication33), promoting oneself (how to build a network, how to write a CV and an introduction letter, how to succeed in an interview). 5 days. 1 ESR per WP presented their work in the form of short presentations.

Summer School 1 /Summer School 2 : Structure of Complex Atoms /From the Nucleons to the Stars.

This 2-week LISA Network wide Training focused on the relation between Nucleons to the Stars organized by GANIL and on the Analysis of Structure of Complex Atoms organized by the University of Groningen. The schools featured internationally renowned scientists in the fields of atomic physics, nuclear structures and reactions, laser technology and atomic spectroscopy. Our participants also participated in an ethics panel with scientists and philosophers, presented their work through poster sessions and were challenged to prepare themselves for the next steps of their career. They visited facilities at GANIL. These events were organized by GANIL (FR) and the University of Gronigen (NL) and GANIL in collaboration with the LISA Training office.

Specialized Training 4: Advanced Computational Techniques. Short introduction to various computing models and framework followed by extensive workshop activities and practical work with computer simulation was given online. Themes ranging from atomic and nuclear structure theory, to equipment modelling and design (gas flow, electrodynamics). This 4 days event was organized by Jena University (Germany).

LISA ESR Conference:

The ESRs organized a 4-day conference on the LISA research activities at the University of KU Leuven, Belgium were they successfully presented their latest research and findings. 

A selection of posters and talks were presented on the following topics: 

  • Radioactive ion beam facilities 
  • Laser development 
  • Medical applications of radionuclides 
  • Ultra-trace analysis  
  • Atomic and nuclear structure investigations  
  • Development of laser ion sources, hot cavities, gas cells and jets 
  • Production of actinide beams and samples 

LISA Final Conference 

As the LISA project was coming to an end, this conference held at CERN gave the opportunity to showcase the work of the 15 early stage researchers (ESR) recruited.

Invited speakers from a variety of topics also broadened the horizon:

  • Bio Physics & Medical Applications of radionuclides
  • Fundamental Nuclear Physics
  • Introduction to the Gamma Factory
  • Introduction to AWAKE

A graduation ceremony was held at the end of the Conference for the ESRs and Affiliates who would have obtained their PhD.

This conference was also dedicated to recently deceased LISA Network Coordinator, Bruce Marsh, an accomplished & internationally known researchers among his peers, who initiated and brought together the network.

Additional Opportunities

Besides the aforementioned network-wide training events, the recruited researchers were given access to all technical and scientific graduate lectures available in the academic organizations of the LISA network. Since this includes prestigious universities in Europe, this amounts to an exceptional breadth of training possibilities. Some of those trainings are available via video / online links (e.g. Hyperfine Interactions at UNIMAN), while others can be dispensed as week-long modules (e.g. Nuclear Theory at KU Leuven).

On top of this, CERN, the world’s largest particle physics centre, had an extensive training program in the various scientific & technical disciplines, including Intellectual property and knowledge transfer tools, as well as a full catalogue of soft-skills training (e.g. Communication, Entrepreneurship, proposal writing, etc.).

LISA PhD Label 

The PhD Label, a form of recognition for those who become part of our research family and embrace our values had been created.

It was opened to PhD candidates from any higher education institution who perform research related to the activities of the LISA network. To be eligible, they had to participate to at least 3 events organized by the LISA Training Office, to show mobility and internationalization in their training and research profile, and to contribute to the science communication strategy of the LISA network.

Candidates to the PhD Label participated to all our events at the same conditions as the ESRs, gained access to additional training opportunities proposed within the LISA network, and received support from the LISA Training Office in defining and following up on their training. Moreover, they got to network with all the ESRs, as well as with our Beneficiaries and Partners across Europe and the world.