Ethics Committee

To achieve the main goals of the proposed research program, some ethical issues must be taken into consideration. For this purpose, the LISA Ethics Committee (EC) has been formed.

It is comprised of one chair person and four different experts in radiation protection, personal dosimetry, environmental impacts, and pre-clinical and clinical studies.

The members of the EC are not directly involved in the research project to guarantee their impartial assessment. The EC does not replace or supplement any local ethics review board, but rather complements them by assuring that the same high ethical standards are shared by all the Beneficiaries and Partners of the LISA network.


  • Chair

Ria Bogaerts

Physicist at UZ Laboratory of Experimental Radiotherapy/KU Leuven

Chair of KU Leuven Commission on Radioprotection


  • Radiation protection

Sami Rinta-Antila

Radiation Safety Officer

Department of Physics

University of Jyväskylä


  • Personal dosimetry

Niki Bergans

University hospital UZ Leuven

Secretary of the KU Leuven Commission on Radioprotection


  • Environmental impacts

Iain Darby

Physicist & Environmental Specialist in Nuclear

Decommissioning & Environmental Remediation

Thurso, Scotland


  • Pre-clinical and clinical studies

Sture Lindegren


PhD Associate Professor

Department of Radiation Physics

The Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg